The resizing of the different Panes/Windows in Xcode often stops working and I have to toggle hide or show in order to reactivate it.
If you look at the images below, sometime I cannot get a resize cursor as shown in the second image.
I have been patient. I keep expecting the next version of XCode to solve this bug or maybe the next OSx.
I am now on Xcode 7.1.1 and OSx 10.11.1.
Am I the only one who has the recurrent bug ? Is there a fix anyone knows of ? I always click on one of the toggles switches in the toolbars and it fixes it but I cannot stop it reoccurring.
In my experience this has never caused Xcode to freeze, but also you can resize the panes regardless of whether the cursor changes or not. Just point to that area and drag it - it will follow.