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Weird black view showing app in the fragment next to Skobbler because of the Skobbler map

I have a ViewPager with 2 children in my MainActivity.

One child is a fragment called WalkMapFragment that holds the SKMapFragment within,

(since I wasn't able to use the Skobbler maps by defining the SKMapViewHolder item on the xml) Tab1-ViewPager Child 1

and the other is an About fragment. But when I tap on the About tab item, I get this: Tab2

Theres a black View on top of my fragment that shouldn't be there.

Now notice something weird, if I tap on an annotation and open a callout view in the map fragment like so:

check what happens:


Notice that the black view from the right tab moves exactly to SKCalloutView's position

(Optional - Additional info:)

p.s 1: If I open a callout, then zoom in and out by hand, the black view disappears from my About Fragment.

p.s 2: By testing I found out that by removing the map, this weird black view also gets removed from the About fragment.

p.s 3: Also if I flip the tabs and put the About fragment on the left, I don't get this behaviour. It only happens when I have a fragment on the right side of the Skobbler map.

What is this issue about? How can I remove this black view that overlays my fragment?


  • Try making map layout visibility invisible or gone when you go to the 'about' tab.