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mkbundle System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception error

I'm trying to bundle an application I've made in monodevelop on archlinux.

Once I build the application in monodevelop I go to make a bundle with the following command:

mkbundle --deps file.exe --static

But the output is:

OS is: Linux
Note that statically linking the LGPL Mono runtime has more licensing restrictions than dynamically linking.
See for details on licensing.
Sources: 1 Auto-dependencies: True
   embedding: /home/test/Test/Test/bin/Release/file.exe
   embedding: /usr/lib/mono/gac/gtk-sharp/
 config from: /usr/lib/mono/gac/gtk-sharp/
   embedding: /usr/lib/mono/4.5/mscorlib.dll
   embedding: /usr/lib/mono/gac/gdk-sharp/
 config from: /usr/lib/mono/gac/gdk-sharp/
   embedding: /usr/lib/mono/gac/glib-sharp/
 config from: /usr/lib/mono/gac/glib-sharp/
   embedding: /usr/lib/mono/gac/System/
   embedding: /usr/lib/mono/gac/Mono.Security/
   embedding: /usr/lib/mono/gac/System.Configuration/
   embedding: /usr/lib/mono/gac/System.Xml/
   embedding: /usr/lib/mono/gac/System.Security/
   embedding: /usr/lib/mono/gac/Mono.Cairo/
   embedding: /usr/lib/mono/gac/pango-sharp/
 config from: /usr/lib/mono/gac/pango-sharp/
   embedding: /usr/lib/mono/gac/atk-sharp/
 config from: /usr/lib/mono/gac/atk-sharp/
   embedding: /usr/lib/mono/gac/Mono.Posix/
AS = as (default)
as -o temp.o temp.s 
as -o temp.o temp.s 

Unhandled Exception:
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: ApplicationName='cmd', CommandLine='/c "as -o temp.o temp.s "', CurrentDirectory='', Native error= Cannot find the specified file
  at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start_noshell (System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo, System.Diagnostics.Process process) <0x40c2f420 + 0x00637> in <filename unknown>:0 
[ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: ApplicationName='cmd', CommandLine='/c "as -o temp.o temp.s "', CurrentDirectory='', Native error= Cannot find the specified file
  at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start_noshell (System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo, System.Diagnostics.Process process) <0x40c2f420 + 0x00637> in <filename unknown>:0

Being that I'm statically linking mono I had to install mono-git from the AUR to ensure I had the static libraries.

I'm also not sure why it has two as -o temp.o temp.s listed.

Any help would be appreciated.

EDIT 23NOV: I have just re-confirmed that as and cc have been installed. The version output is located at:

EDIT 24NOV: As explained in the accepted answer; my mono wasn't compiled correctly. I rebuilt using abs with the following PKGBUILD and its now working as expected.

# $Id: PKGBUILD 246414 2015-09-16 21:25:15Z daniel $
# Maintainer: Daniel Isenmann <>
# Contributor: Brice Carpentier <>

pkgdesc="Free implementation of the .NET platform including runtime and compiler"
arch=(i686 x86_64)
license=('GPL' 'LGPL2.1' 'MPL' 'custom:MITX11')
depends=('zlib' 'libgdiplus>=3.8' 'sh' 'python' 'ca-certificates')
options=('!makeflags' 'staticlibs')

build() {
  cd "${srcdir}"/${pkgname}-${_pkgver}

  # build mono
  ./configure --prefix=/usr \
    --sysconfdir=/etc \
    --bindir=/usr/bin \
    --sbindir=/usr/bin \
    --disable-quiet-build \
    --disable-system-aot \
    --enable-static \
    --with-static_mono=yes \

  # build jay
  cd "${srcdir}"/${pkgname}-${_pkgver}/mcs/jay

package() {
  cd "${srcdir}"/${pkgname}-${_pkgver}
  make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install

  # install jay
  pushd "${srcdir}"/${pkgname}-${_pkgver}/mcs/jay
  make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" prefix=/usr INSTALL=../../install-sh install

  # install binfmt conf file and pathes
  install -D -m644 "${srcdir}"/mono.binfmt.d "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/binfmt.d/mono.conf

  #install license
  mkdir -p "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}
  install -m644 mcs/MIT.X11 "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/

  #fix .pc file to be able to request mono on what it depends, fixes #go-oo build
  sed -i -e "s:#Requires:Requires:" "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/pkgconfig/mono.pc


  • Update:

    So I ssh'd a friend's ArchLinux and mkbundle works fine there, so I went back to your error:

    System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: ApplicationName='cmd', CommandLine='/c "as -o temp.o temp.s "', CurrentDirectory='', Native error= Cannot find the specified file at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start_noshell

    Originally I thought you were on Windows due to this error, but you said Linux so I disregarded it. I went to the source of mkbundle and I can see that your ArchLinux box and/or the Mono install is not correctly reporting the 'IsUnix' as false and thus it is not executing the AS cmd via a system call but is trying to use the Windows' cmd to execute it and thus is failing....

    static bool IsUnix {
            get {
                int p = (int) Environment.OSVersion.Platform;
                return ((p == 4) || (p == 128) || (p == 6));
        static void Execute (string cmdLine)
            if (IsUnix) {
                Console.WriteLine (cmdLine);
                int ret = system (cmdLine);
                if (ret != 0)

    Again, the ArchLinux 4.2.5-1 that I have access to has Mono and works as expected.....

    What is returned on your system for each of these lines?:

    int p = (int) Environment.OSVersion.Platform;
    var islinux = ((p == 4) || (p == 128) || (p == 6));



       AS     Assembler command. The default is "as".
       CC     C compiler command. The default is "cc" under Linux and "gcc" under

    Ref: man mkbundle

    This is the same requirement as you would need if you were building mono itself, besides the temp.s assembler code it will also create temp.c file that needs a c compiler. This is the bootstrap code to load/execute your CIL-based code.

    If you are missing an assembler on your system, there are a number of packages, such as binutils that will satisfy the requirement.