The question is simple. I need the same as usually - how to replace the original method with my one but @selector(presentViewController:animated:completion:)
in iOS9? It works in iOS9 simulator only, not real device.
Yes this code is called but then you get EXC_BAD_ACCESS
To test it I created a test app from "Master-Detail template" added a button and added the following code:
UIViewController *vc = [[UIViewController alloc] init];
[self.navigationController presentViewController:vc animated:YES completion:nil];
@implementation UINavigationController (Extension)
- (void)swizzledPresentViewController:(UIViewController *)viewControllerToPresent animated:(BOOL)flag completion:(void (^)(void))completion
[ self swizzledPresentViewController:viewControllerToPresent animated:flag completion:completion ];
#pragma mark -
+ (void)swizzle:(Class)class oldSelector:(SEL)old newSelector:(SEL)new
Method oldMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(class, old);
Method newMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(class, new);
if(class_addMethod(class, old, method_getImplementation(newMethod), method_getTypeEncoding(newMethod)))
class_replaceMethod(class, new, method_getImplementation(oldMethod), method_getTypeEncoding(oldMethod));
method_exchangeImplementations(oldMethod, newMethod);
+ (void)load
[self swizzle:UINavigationController.class oldSelector:@selector(presentViewController:animated:completion:) newSelector:@selector(swizzledPresentViewController:animated:completion:)];
And almost the same code is written on NSHipster website
WARNING! This bug is reproduced on very random devices (in my case it is iphone5 + ios9.0, but other users have newer devices and with iOS9.1).
The problem is swizzling breaks checking nil
values. Solutions for this case:
1)check if block is nil
then replace it with empty non-nil block
2)use ready libraries. I tried: