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Update an existing entry with auto increment in Hibernate

I have a class Price mapped to a db table using Hibernate. It's like this:

Price {
    long priceID; //auto increment, Primary key
    long itemID;  // Foreign key, each price corresponds to a unique Item
    double price; // actual price

What I want is when saving a price object with an existing itemID, it updates the price of the existing entry in db with the same itemID.

But it ended up creating a duplicate entry with the same itemID.

What can I do to avoid duplicate entry and update the existing entry?


  • You can implement something like below :

    Introduce a method to check if Item is already exist in the DB:

    // Session session= ...
    public Map<Integer, Item> getItemIfExist(String item_name) {
        Map<Integer, Item> returnMap = new HashMap<>();
        Criteria cr = session.createCriteria(Item.class);
        cr.add(Restrictions.eq("itemName", item_name));
        List<Item> items = cr.list();
        for (Item item : items) {
            Set<Price> price = item.getPrices();
            for (Price p : price) {
                returnMap.put(p.getPriceId(), item);
        return returnMap;

    If item is already in the DB you can update the price of the existing item:

        String item_name = "Water";//this may vary according to your requirement        
        double newPrice = 4.50;//as well as the price
        if (!checkItemIfExist(item_name).isEmpty()) {
            for (Map.Entry<Integer, Item> entry : checkItemIfExist(item_name).entrySet()) {
                int priceId = entry.getKey();
                Item item = entry.getValue();
                Price price = (Price) session.load(Price.class, priceId);

    Else you can save it as an new item to the DB:

    else {
            Item item = new Item(item_name);
            Price price = new Price(item, newPrice);

    Update :
    Item Entity class :-

    public class Item implements {
    private Integer itemId;
    private String itemName;
    private Set<Price> prices = new HashSet<>();

    Price Entity class :-

     public class Price  implements {
     private Integer priceId;
     private Item item;
     private double price;