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where can I find

I am creating a RSA key pair in my Android KeyStore. I am using eclipse. I need to use KeyGenParameterSpec class to give my key an alias, so that I can delete it later, but I cant find this class. Can anyone let me know which jar would this be present in. The official page says that its present at, but the problem is that I cant find this jar.

Thanks in advance!


  • KeyGenParameterSpec is in the package, but you can't see the constructor because it is annotate with @hide as you can see in the source code.

    Quoting form the doclava documentation:

    When applied to a package, class, method or field, @hide removes that node and all of its children from the documentation.

    If you want to create a KeyGenParameterSpec you need to use the Builder:

    new KeyGenParameterSpec.Builder(KEY_NAME, KeyProperties.PURPOSE_ENCRYPT | KeyProperties.PURPOSE_DECRYPT)