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Error with StimulSoft v2015.2 (StiMvcMobile)

I use stimulsoft 2015 v.2 in my mvc app i use stimvcmobile for design report and when i run my app with below code i recieve some error:

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
        @Html.Stimulsoft().StiMvcMobileDesigner(new StiMvcMobileDesignerOptions()
            ActionGetReportTemplate = "GetReportTemplate",
            ActionGetReportSnapshot = "GetReportSnapshot"


error: CS1502: The best overloaded method match for 'Stimulsoft.Report.MvcMobile.StiMvcHelper.StiMvcMobileDesigner(string)' has some invalid arguments

My Resharper suggest Add .ToString() to end of Helper and above error remove but report designer not work why??Please Help?? My Code:

 @Html.Stimulsoft().StiMvcMobileDesigner(new StiMvcMobileDesignerOptions()
            ActionGetReportTemplate = "GetReportTemplate",
            ActionGetReportSnapshot = "GetReportSnapshot"


And error in browser Console is:Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token .


  • Add a name of the component as the first parameter.

    ... StiMvcMobileDesigner("StiMvcMobileViewer1", new StiMvcMobileDesignerOptions()