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Minesweeper game board in

I have to create a function that creates a game board for minesweeper (I am also very new to coding).

I intend to have the board initially start with every space being covered and mine free, represented by the string "C ".

I then need to assign mines to random spaces in my 2D list, replacing instances of "C " with "C*"

# create board function
def createBoard (rows, cols, mines):

    board = []
    #set the range to the number of rows and columns provided +1
    #for every row, create a row and a column
    for r in range (0,rows+1):
        for c in range (0,cols+1):
            board[r].append("C ")

    #set # of mines to 0


    while num_mines < mines :
        x = random.choice(board)
        y = random.choice(x)
        if y == "C ":
            x[y]= "C*"

            num_mines = num_mines+1

My problem is that I don't know how to actually replace the string.


  • First notice that your board has one extra column and row. (Just use range(rows) and range(cols))

    Then pick random 'coordinates':

        x = random.randrange(rows)
        y = random.randrange(cols)

    Then just naturally:

        if board[x][y] == "C ":
            board[x][y] = "C*"