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Solving a Programming Challenge: Apparatus, from Kattis

I am trying to solve apparatus problem described here. And I have a solution but it takes longer than 2 seconds which the time limit. I've tried to optimize my code for speed but can't get it with in the 2 second limit.

import sys
import math

for line in sys.stdin:

    line = line.strip("\n").split(" ")
    numSwitches = int(line[0])
    numPics = int(line[1])

    wiring = {}
    inValid = False
    for i in range(numPics):
        if (inValid):
        x = sys.stdin.readline().strip("\n")
        f_x = sys.stdin.readline().strip("\n")

        x_ones = 0
        f_x_ones = 0

        digit = 0
        for i in range(numSwitches):
            if f_x[i]=='1':
                digit += 2**(numSwitches-i-1)
                f_x_ones += 1

        for switch in range(numSwitches):
            if (x[switch]=='1'):
                x_ones += 1
                if not (switch in wiring.keys()):
                    wiring[switch] = digit
                    wiring[switch] &= digit

        if x_ones != f_x_ones:
            inValid = True

    if not inValid:
        for i in wiring.values():
            if i==0:
                inValid = True

    for possibilities in set(wiring.values()):
        frequency = wiring.values().count(possibilities)
        if frequency>1:
            oneBits = 0
            while (possibilities>0):
                oneBits += (possibilities%2==1)
                possibilities /= 2
            if oneBits < frequency:
                inValid = True

    if not inValid:
        print math.factorial(numSwitches-numPics)%1000003
        print 0

I'm looking for suggestions of ways I should have approached the problem or input on how I can optimize my current code.

Note: Consider the following test case:

3 2

My code finds that is invalid in the following manner. First, upon encountering the first photograph (110, 011). The wiring dictionary gets assigned the following keys and values:

wiring[0] = 011
wiring[1] = 011

This means that the first and second switch can light up either the second or third lights. Upon encountering the second photograph (011, 011). wiring is updated as follows:

wiring[1] = 011 & 011 = 011
wiring[2] = 011

Now observe that the state of wiring indicates that all three switches can light up either the second and third lights. This is an inconsistency since 3 switches have to light up three lights, here we have three switches lighting up 2 lights.


  • I think this could be a solution, but I'm not sure, I can explain more tomorrow

    import numpy as np
    from operator import mul
    def apparatus(n, m, x, y):
        if not m:
            return np.math.factorial(n) % 1000003
        result = 1
        tmp = np.matrix([False] * x.shape[1])
        for i in xrange(x.shape[1]):
            if tmp[0, i]:
            tmp0 =[:, i] == x, 0)
            tmp1 =[:, i] == y, 0)
            if np.sum(tmp1) != np.sum(tmp0):
                return 0
            result *= np.math.factorial(np.sum(tmp1))
            result %= 1000003
            tmp += tmp1
        return result
    x = np.matrix([[True, True, False]])
    y = np.matrix([[False, True, True]])
    print apparatus(3, 1, x, y)
    x = np.matrix([[True, False, False, False], [False, False, False, False]])
    y = np.matrix([[True, False, False, False], [False, False, True, False]])
    print apparatus(4, 2, x, y)
    print apparatus(1000, 0, [], [])