My django app is using Python Social Auth to register new users with Fb/G+/Twitter but I also want users to be able to associate their existing accounts to Facebook/Google+/Twitter. The problem is that using the standard pipeline whenever I connect a new account to the existing one, it changes all the info on the existing account to the info on the social account I'm associating to it. E.g.: if i have an account on my website with email but the email on the Facebook account I'm associating to it is, it changes to that one. I have tried removing the 'social.pipeline.user.user_details' from the pipeline but then when I create new users it doesn't pull the info from facebook to the account, which is something that I would like.
(How) Can I fix that?
What I did in the end was create a new function for the pipeline that calls the existing populate_info
that is by default in the timeline, but only if it's a new account (determined by 'is_new' in kwargs):
from social.pipeline.user import user_details
def populate_info(strategy, details, user=None, *args, **kwargs):
if (kwargs['is_new']):
user_details(strategy, details, user, args, kwargs)
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