I'trying to convert a float to an int value in php:
var_dump((int)(39.3 * 100.0)); //Returns 3929 but should be 3930!
var_dump((int)(39.2 * 100.0)); //Returns 3920
I can use ceil to make it work but can somebody explain this to me?
var_dump((int)ceil(39.3 * 100.0)); //Returns 3930
This is because numbers that have a finite representation in base 10 may or may not have an exact representation in the floating point representation PHP uses.
>php -r "echo var_dump(sprintf('%.40F', 39.3 * 100.0));" string(45) "3929.9999999999995452526491135358810424804688"
Since int
always rounds the number down, a small error in the representation makes the cast round it one number down that you would otherwise expect.
Consider using round