Why I can't do the following and what are the ways to do it?
datatype boolexp = zero
| one
| compl of boolexp;
fun convert (#"1"::nil) = one
| convert (#"0"::nil) = zero
| convert (#"-":: #"(" :: xs @ [#")"]) = compl (convert xs)
It gives me the errors:
non-constructor applied to argument in pattern: @
unbound variable or constructor: xs
The problem is in the last case of convert
is a function and not a value constructor (like ::
and nil
), so you cannot pattern-match on it. There is no way to pattern-match on the last element of a general list.
To accomplish what you're trying to do, you can either:
#"-":: #"(":: xs
, and then check if xs
ends with a #")"
using List.last