I am trying to create an EPS file using gnuplot using the following code:
set terminal postscript eps enhanced
set output 'file.eps'
plot 'mydata.dat' using 1:2
But to no avail, EPS file does not have any plot in there. I dont know what I am missing, i got ghostscript, ghostscript-fonts and psutils. EPS files is just empty white file. I have searched the web but nothing just works.
How to I generate the EPS file with plot in it?
Specs: Fedora 21 x64_86 gnuplot-4.6 patch 5 ghostscript 9.15
Ok, I have now solved it, It appears that there is a conflict between ghostscript and infinality so I uninstalled it
sudo yum remove *infinality*
and Viola! Things works now! :)