I am using Adodb PHP library to handle db functions. Most of the functionality has been handled using Stored Procedures. However, in few cases, I need to write quick custom queries to complete the flow.
$Result = array();
$Result = $this->DB->PrepareSP("UPDATE Member SET FirstName = '" . $param['FirstName'] . "', LastName = '" . $param['LastName'] . "', Email = '".$param['Email']."', DateOfBirth = '".$param['DateOfBirth']."', HoroscopeID = ".$param['HoroscopeID'].", Gender = '".$param['Gender']."', CountryID = ".$param['CountryID']." WHERE ID = ".$param['MemberId'].";SELECT @@IDENTITY AS AffectedRows;");
$Result = $this->DB->GetArray($Result);
array (size=1)
0 =>
array (size=1)
'AffectedRows' => null
I have also tried:
It returns 0 every time. I have already echo the inside query and run on navicat, it works fine. However, when its called through code, its not updating any records.
Here is how to access stored procedure output data in ADOdb:
* Your stored procedure preparation returns a handle
$procedure = $this->DB->prepareSp("your statement...");
* You prepare and set an output parameter to receive your affected rows
* The name of the parameter matches the stored procedure variable
$outParameterName = 'AffectedRows';
$outParameterValue = 0;
$ok = $this->DB->outParameter($procedure,$outParameterName,$outParameterValue);
* Execute the procedure handle , it is an update so a resultset is not returned
$result = $this->DB->execute($procedure);
* The value of the Affected rows is now available in your out Parameter value
print "AffectedRows IS NOW $outParameterValue";