This question is just for me to learn from. I can easily resolve it outside of the echo...but there MUST be a way to perform a basic calculation or function call within an echo statement...right?
$CurrentMembershipYear = '2016';
echo '<h2>Two-Year Membership for '.$CurrentMembershipYear.' and '.intval($CurrentMembershipYear)+1.'</h2>';
This should be echoing "Two-Year Membership for 2016 and 2017" but instead is generating errors. Usually I would just pre-calculate the second value before the echo statement and just pass it as a variable...but surely there is a way to put this calculation inline?
never mind...bone-headed brain asleep. Just needed parenthesis...I had only tried curvy braces:
$CurrentMembershipYear = '2016';
echo '<h2>Two-Year Membership for '.$CurrentMembershipYear.' and '.(intval($CurrentMembershipYear)+1).'</h2>';