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Get path to particular scheme

I'm writing a post_install script in a Podfile, and I need to modify a particular scheme. I'm new to Ruby, so I'm sure I have many bad/non-idiomatic habits. Here's what I have:

post_install do |installer|
  pods_project = installer.pods_project
  scheme_filename = "BonMot.xcscheme"
  scheme = File.join(pods_project.path, "xcshareddata/xcschemes", scheme_filename)
  # do stuff with scheme

How can I avoid the hardcoded xcshareddata/xcschemes in the middle? Or is that the best way to do this?


  • You can use Xcodeproj::XCScheme.shared_data_dir(project_path)

    (Agreed we could have a better way to create an Xcodeproj::XCScheme instead directly from the Xcodeproj::Project instance to make this easier)

    So something like this should work:

    scheme_path = Xcodeproj::XCScheme.shared_data_dir(project.path) + 'BomMot.xcscheme'
    scheme =