Im trying to use steamid as my route so it will be
The code i have right now is:
Route::get('{steamid}', function($steamid){
$user = App\user::find($steamid);
echo 'hello my steam name is ' . $user->username . '<br />';
echo 'hello my steam ID64 is ' . $user->steamid . '<br />';
I have that and that should work but its not. I have tryed this and it works:
Route::get('{steamid}', function($id){
$user = App\user::find($id);
echo 'hello my steam name is ' . $user->username . '<br />';
With the url of
I have fixed my own problem
$user = User::where('steamid', $steamid)->firstOrFail();
I need to use that line.
To fix the problem you need to change this
$user = App\user::find($steamid);
$user = App\user::where('steamid', $steamid)->firstOrFail();