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Frictionless facebook sharing in Android

User has to click the post button in the share dialog every time they complete a level.I need to eliminate this hardship for user. As of now I have created a custom story and requesting user to click post every time.

Question :

  1. I heard of frictionless FB post for the Open graph stories. Is it possible in android ?

  2. If frictionless FB post is available in android, could you please point be the correction in my code that I have pasted below.

  3. If frictionless FB post is available in android, What is the permission that I need to get from user ?


    ShareOpenGraphObject object = new ShareOpenGraphObject.Builder()
            .putString("og:type", "puzzlegameballmania:level")
            .putString("og:title", "Cleared Level-1 !!!")
            .putString("og:image", "http://ixxxxwsz.jpg")
            .putString("og:url", "")
            .putString("og:description", "Color of the balls matters more. Lets break the goal and go higher !")
            .putString("puzzlegameballmania:level:title", "LEVEL 1")

    // Create an action
    ShareOpenGraphAction action = new ShareOpenGraphAction.Builder()
            .putObject("puzzlegameballmania:level", object)

    // Create the content
    ShareOpenGraphContent content = new ShareOpenGraphContent.Builder()
            .build();, content);


    1. Yes
    2. Do not use ShareDialog, instead use ShareApi, here's some sample code
    3. publish_actions permission is required, and your app will be reviewed by Facebook

    You may also want to read this Facebook developer post, which seem to discourage implicit/automated posting. A warning to the user is displayed if the app has not been reviewed.


    Before using ShareApi, first check to see if the app has the required permission:

    private boolean hasPublishPermission() {
        AccessToken accessToken = AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken();
        return accessToken != null && accessToken.getPermissions().contains("publish_actions");

    If not, execute code below to request the permission:

              this, Arrays.asList("publish_actions"));

    If you use ShareApi without the proper permission, it will fail and onError(FacebookException) method will be called, assuming you have passed a FacebookCallback to ShareApi.