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class object in class with php oop

I am not even sure how to ask. I do this all the time in C# but for the life of me I cannot find any decent examples in PHP. Can you help?

What I am trying to do is for example. Say I have a class called Company who has many Employees.

I want to be able to store all the employees in the company class then later when I iterate through the Company object I need to be able to iterate through all the employees that are assigned to that company and I am having a heck of a time trying to find a straight forward example.

I can populate it, but fro the life of me I cant loop through the Employees. I know I am doing something wrong but cannot figure it out. Here is what I have for example.


This could be completely wrong for all I know as getting the data back out.

    class Employee
        private $first;
        private $last;

        public function __construct($first = null, $last = null)
            if(isset ($first))
                $this->first = $first;

            if(isset ($last))
                $this->last = $last;

        public function getEmployee()
            return Employee($this->first, $this->last);

        public function getFirst()
            return $this->first;

        public function getLast()
            return $this->first;

Company has an array of employees.

In c# I would use something like a generic

    public List<Employee> Employees {get;set;}

Then in the constructor I would do something like

    Employees = new List<Employee>();

Then I could do something like

    foreach(var x in Customer.Employees)

That is what I am kind of trying to do.

    class Company
        private $companyName;

        private $employees;

        public function __construct($nameOfCompany)
            $this->companyName = $nameOfCompany;               

        public function setEmployee(Employee $employee)
            $this->employees[] = $employee;

        public function getCompanyName()
            return $this->companyName;

        public function setCompanyName($nameOfCompany)
            $this->companyName = $nameOfCompany;

        public function getEmployees()
            return $this->employees;

Create and populate

    $c = new Company("Test");
    $c->setEmployee(new Employee('A','B'));
    $c->setEmployee(new Employee('C','D'));
    $c->setEmployee(new Employee('E','F'));

Up until this point all is well.

To get the name of the company no problem.

    echo $c->getCompanyName();

    echo "<PRE>";
    echo "</PRE>";

But how do I loop through the employees?

I want to be able to do something like cast Companies employees in a loop to a single Employee then do something like

    foreach(customers employees)
           echo Employee->getFirst, etc...

Can someone please provide some guidance?



  • version 1: explicit getter method

    class Employee
      private $first;
      private $last;
      public function __construct($first = null, $last = null)
        if(isset ($first))
        $this->first = $first;
        if(isset ($last))
        $this->last = $last;
      public function getFirst()
        return $this->first;
      public function getLast()
        return $this->first;
    class Company
      private $companyName;
      private $employees;
      public function __construct($nameOfCompany)
        $this->companyName = $nameOfCompany;
      public function addEmployee(Employee $employee)
        $this->employees[] = $employee;
      public function getCompanyName()
        return $this->companyName;
      public function getEmployees()
        return $this->employees;
    $company = new Company('ACME');
    $company->addEmployee(new Employee('A', 'A'));
    $company->addEmployee(new Employee('B', 'B'));
    $company->addEmployee(new Employee('C', 'C'));
    foreach( $company->getEmployees() as $e ) {
      echo $e->getFirst(), "\n";

    version 2: using __get

    class Company
      private $companyName;
      private $employees;
      public function __construct($nameOfCompany)
        $this->companyName = $nameOfCompany;
      public function addEmployee(Employee $employee)
        $this->employees[] = $employee;
      public function __get($name) {
         // this will allow access to any member of the class
         // so you might want to test access first
         if ( isset($this->$name) ) {
           return $this->$name;
    $company = new Company('ACME');
    $company->addEmployee(new Employee('A', 'A'));
    $company->addEmployee(new Employee('B', 'B'));
    $company->addEmployee(new Employee('C', 'C'));
    foreach( $company->employees as $e ) {
      echo $e->getFirst(), "\n";
    $company = new Company('ACME');
    $company->addEmployee(new Employee('A', 'A'));
    $company->addEmployee(new Employee('B', 'B'));
    $company->addEmployee(new Employee('C', 'C'));
    foreach( $company->employees as $e ) {
      echo $e->getFirst(), "\n";