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Can't hide Intel XDK splash screen

I have created a small game and created build using Intel XDK. I installed it in device and can see the splash screen. I tried what is mentioned in other topics but unable to remove the splash screen.

function onDeviceReady(){
    if( navigator.splashscreen && navigator.splashscreen.hide ) {
	if( && intel.xdk && intel.xdk.device ) {
		if( intel.xdk.device.hideSplashScreen ) {
document.addEventListener("intel.xdk.device.ready", onDeviceReady, false);

This is how it looks initially when I launch the app.

enter image description here

I have this plugin added in the project cordova-plugin-splashscreen

Please help me resolve this issue.


  • Received this answer on XDK forum

    The purpose of the splashscreen is to hide the details of the initialization process (even before your device ready fires). The splashscreen you see is the default cordova splash screen, you can replace it by your own graphics. You can upload custom splashscreen through Launch Icons and Splash screens on Projects page. The hidesplashscreen() method will hide the splashscreen that is displayed at the initialization and the contents of your app will appear (which happens when device is ready).