I'm working on SASS unit-conversion function, and i have defined two functions:
Both work perfectly fine separately, until i pipe one in another, like this:
strip-units( convert-units(...) );
the result is following error:
invalid operands for multiplication on line 68 at column 23
I tried to copy manually result from convert-units() into strip-units(), and it it works correctly.
Here is the working example:
Please scroll to the bottom until you find commented pipe: strip-units(...
Any help would be appreciated.
This is because the line $pxValue / $size + $outputUnit
actually does not create a number with a unit, but a string which looks exactly the same. There is no easy way to add a unit to a number in sass, but I found an answer in this question (there's also a little bit more background about why there is no easy way):
@function length($number, $unit) {
$strings: 'px' 'cm' 'mm' '%' 'ch' 'pica' 'in' 'em' 'rem' 'pt' 'pc' 'ex' 'vw' 'vh' 'vmin' 'vmax';
$units: 1px 1cm 1mm 1% 1ch 1pica 1in 1em 1rem 1pt 1pc 1ex 1vw 1vh 1vmin 1vmax;
$index: index($strings, $unit);
@if not $index {
@warn "Unknown unit `#{$unit}`.";
@return false;
@return $number * nth($units, $index);
Then simply do $outputValue: length($pxValue / $size, $outputUnit);
and it works.
See my gist (I failed to make SassMeister save my updated code, don't know why)