In the following example, the spawned actor is of type a_type
, which is based on the typed_actor
template. How do I convert from a_type
to an instance of class A
using a_type = typed_actor<replies_to<int>::with<void>>;
class A : public a_type::base
behavior_type make_behavior() override
[this](int value)
aout(this) << value << endl;
int main()
a_type spawned = spawn_typed<A>();
Actors are asynchronous entities and should be considered isolated. While it is technically possible to get a raw pointer via actor_cast
and downcast it to the actual type, I strongly advise against doing so. Only an actor itself is allowed to access its state in CAF. Decoupling actors via message passing avoids race conditions by design. Instead of calling members directly, actors send messages to mailboxes of others. These mailboxes are real concurrency workhorses and implemented without locks. Ideally, you spawn more actors than you have cores available, since actor applications scale by splitting large problems into many small chunks which are then solved by lots of actors concurrently. Always keep Amdahl's law in mind: your application cannot be faster than your longest sequential processing chain.
The actor handles in CAF also enable network-transparency. Once you start to distribute your application across the network, accessing state directly will simply not work. Further, if you are using state_based
actors, accessing the state from outside an actor is highly unsafe, because the state will be destroyed once the actor called quit()
or got killed.
There are basically three ways to exchange information:
if you need an ad-hoc way to communicate to an actor.Actor pools also enable 1:N communication (broadcasting), "scatter/gather"-style workflows, etc.
In any case, breaking the abstraction provided by CAF is usually a bad idea and you can end up in "undefined behavior land" real quick. One final note, if you find yourself in a dead-end with your current design, please feel free to start a discussion on the CAF mailing list.