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Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.ResizePicture is commented out in Sitecore 7.5

In a default install of Sitecore 7.5 rev 141003, the httpRequestEnd processor Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.ResizePicture is commented out in web.config.

We have a build of 7.5 rev 141003 for a client where it is not commented out.

Anyone know what this is for and why it would be commented out by default or you would uncomment it?


  • The processor doesn't do anything, simply checks the querystring for a parameter but since it does not set the value to anything it can be safely reverted to default Sitcore config. This processor has not been used since Sitecore 6.2 at least, possibly earlier, so it may be legacy from a very old version.

    Decompiling Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.ResizePicture reveals the following:

    public override void Process(HttpRequestArgs args)
      Assert.ArgumentNotNull((object) args, "args");
      int num = WebUtil.GetQueryString("sc_thumbnail") == string.Empty ? (false ? 1 : 0) : (true ? 1 : 0);