ArcMap 10.1, Windows 7 64-bit Professional.
I cannot get the chloride value to label correctly. The problem is with the "if [Chloride] > 0:" expression. The label renders all values from "Chloride". When the Chloride field has a value of -99, the label expression should render the 'Cl_txt' field not the 'Chloride' field.
"Chloride" has a Long data type. "Cl_text" is text. I have tried "if long([Chloride]) > 0:". Using long, the entire label does not render for Chloride values > 0, but the -99 values render the Cl_txt value of "NR". I have also tried converting with float([Chloride]) and get same results as using float.
The strange thing is that that DTW renders fine. DTW_ft is float data type.
def FindLabel( [gisID], [DTW_ft], [dtw_txt], [feat_date], [aka_name], [Chloride], [Cl_txt]):
L = "MISC-" + str( [gisID] ) + '\n'
L += "DTW: "
if float([DTW_ft]) > 0:
L += [DTW_ft] + " ft"
L += [dtw_txt]
L += '\n'
L += "Cl: "
if [Chloride] > 0:
L += [Chloride]
L += [Cl_txt]
L += '\n'
L += [feat_date]
return L
Simply, not to label all-99
values with [Chloride]
but with [Cl_txt]
try below-
I assumed [Chloride]
is long
and [Cl_txt]
is string
def FindLabel([Chloride], [Cl_txt]):
if long([Chloride])==-99:
L= [Cl_txt]
L = str([Chloride])
return L