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Swift 2 - Function not return Bool when using Alamofire

I am creating a static function that checks if the user email for registration is in use. If the email is in use the function should return true otherwise false.

The code I have is returning always false and seems that the variable I use is not updated.

Any Idea what am I doing wrong and why is this not working as expected?

    class userInfo: NSObject {

    static func userRegistration(email: String) -> Bool {

           var emailIsavailable = false

            Alamofire.request(.GET, "https://example/check_email.php?email=\(email)")

                .responseString{ response in

                    if let responseValue = response.result.value {

                        print("Response String: \(responseValue)")

                        if responseValue == "email is available"{

                            print("email available")

                            emailIsavailable = true //emailIsavailable is not updated


                            print("email not available")

                           emailIsavailable = false //emailIsavailable is not updated



            return emailIsavailable // returns always false



  • Because it run in different thread so you can't return straight. You should use callback (or another call block, closure). You should edit code:

       class userInfo: NSObject {
    static func userRegistration(email: String, callBack : (emailIsavailable : Bool) -> Void) {
            Alamofire.request(.GET, "https://example/check_email.php?email=\(email)")
                .responseString{ response in
                    if let responseValue = response.result.value {
                        print("Response String: \(responseValue)")
                        if responseValue == "email is available"{
                            print("email available")
                            callBack(emailIsavailable: true)
                            print("email not available")
                          callBack(emailIsavailable: false)

    And you can call like:

    yourInstance.userRegistration("test") { (emailIsavailable) -> Void in
            //you can get emailIsavaiable or something here