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Let L1={a^nb^mc^(n+m) / n,m > 0} and L2={a^nb^nc^m / n,m > 0}.Is L3= L1 ∩ L2 context-free or not?

Let L1={a^n b^m c^(n+m) / n,m > 0} and L2={a^n b^n c^m / n,m > 0}.Is L3= L1 ∩ L2 context-free or not?

My logic being is if n < m the intersection will yield a language (a^n b^n c^n) if n > m the intersection will yield a language (a^n b^m c^m) in both cases we have a CFG so is my interpretation correct?


  • I'm not sure if i understood your idea correctly, but if you try using the same n and m for both L1 and L2 and compute the intersection based on that, you are not right.

    Besides that, the language {an bn cn | n > 0} is not CFG, as you can see as an example here or show by using the pumping lemma.

    How can one see what L1 ∩ L2 looks like?
    x ∈ L1 ∩ L2 <=> x ∈ L1 and x ∈ L2. So x must fullfill both restrictions of the two languages.
    Therefore x ∈ L1 ∩ L2 is x = an bm co where n = m because of L2 and o = n+m = n+n (n + m because of L1 and n + n because n = m).
    This gives us L1 ∩ L2 = {an bn c2n | n > 0}, which is not CFG.


    • Intuitively speaking a CFG can not count (more than once, an bn is fine). But for achieving the pattern n, n, 2n, we have to count the amoung of a and b and then add the right amount of c.
    • Pumping Lemma: We have to negate the original lemma in order to show that {an bn c2n | n > 0} is not CFG. So we need to prove that for every p >= 0 there is a s ∈ {an bn c2n | n > 0} which can NOT be split into uvwxy fullfilling |uvw| <= p and uvkwxky ∈ {an bn c2n | n > 0}.

      Proof: Given a p >= 0. We choose the word t = ap bp c2p ∈ L1 ∩ L2. Now for every choose of uvwxy = t we can not pump uvwxy to still be ∈ L1 ∩ L2. This is because we only pump v and x. And |vwx| is <= p. So vwx can not contain a, b, and c but at max two of them. Now if we pump v and x we get more a than c, or the other way round and the result uv2wx2y is not in L1 ∩ L2.