In a sorted table, it's common to have an up or a down arrow indicating the sort style. However, I'm having some trouble determining which direction the arrow should point. In an ASC sort, characters are sorted 1-9A-Za-z. Should the arrow point up or down?
I've found implementations of both on the web, so that didn't help me much: Up and Down (you have to create the table first).
Is there a hard and fast rule for this? I find myself able to justify both implementations. Which method do you use? Which is more intuitive to you and why?
Edit: Some of you have suggested alternate implementations like rising bars or having letters with an arrow indicating sort direction. Great suggestions. I'm definitely open to other options. The less ambiguous, the better. It might be picky, but I'd really like there to be minimal or no confusion on the part of the user.
Edit: I ended up going with the rising and falling bars for now. It's not standard, but seems less ambiguous than the triangles. The current sort column shows three bars, small to large (left to right) for ASC, the opposite for DESC. Other sortable columns have no bars by default, but hovering over any sortable column heading (including the current) shows bars depicting how the table will be sorted if that column heading is clicked.
in the classic Finder, Apple didn't use arrows. instead, there were a small icon that looked like three (or four?) horizontal lines of increasing or decreasing length. at first sight, it was like a triangle; but when looking at it, it was clear if it was getting bigger or smaller.
other GUIs (KDE, for example) use triangles, but most people interpret them as arrows, making the message ambiguous.