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switch(true) with dynamic cases in coldfusion?

To avoid nested if-statements and to improve readability, I wanted to create a switch(true){ ... } statement in Coldfusion. I used this often in php, but when I try this in Coldfusion, I get the following error at initialization:

Template error

This expression must have a constant value.

This happens when a switch case uses a variable in its condition, like:

//this example throws the error
    case foo == 1:
        writeOutput('foo is 1');

Using a switch(true){ ... } statement with constant values (as the error explains) does work:

//this example doesn't throw the error
    case 1 == 1:
        writeOutput('1 is 1');

Is there any way to get the first statement to work in Coldfusion? Maybe with an evaluation of the variable or some trick, or is this a definite no go in Coldfusion?


  • In short: no. The case value needs to be something that can be compiled to a constant value. 1==1 can be, as it's just true. foo == 1 cannot be, as foo is only available at runtime.

    basically what you're describing is an if / else if / else construct anyhow, so just use one of those.