I have a prob. I'm trying to create a custom slugify functiom. I use django.autoslug. Due to autoslug documentation I was able to create a custom slugifier, but it needs to be improved and I do not know how do I realize that.
So I have a string (book title) i.e. .NET Framework 4.0 with C# & VB in VisualStudio 2010
. I want to slugify it so that it looks like this: dotnet-framework-4point0-with-cshapr-and-vb-in-visualstudio-2010
My current function looks like this:
def custom_slug(value, *args, **kwargs):
associations_dict = {'#':'sharp', '.':'dot', '&':'and'}
for searcg_char in associations_dict.keys():
if search_char in value:
value = value.replace(search_char, associations_dict[search_char])
return def_slugify(value)
As you can see, my function replaces all dots .
with 'dot'
. So my string will be changed into dotnet-framework-4dot0-with-csharp-and-vb-in-visualstudio-2010
I suggest, I should use RegEx, but I don't know how to do this and how do I replace matched string with right 'dot/point-replacement'
Ideas ?!
P.S. Sorry for bad English
import re
point = re.compile( r"(?<=\d)\.(?=\d)" )
point.sub( value, "point" )
to change the .
s that should be "point"
, and then do str.replace
to change the others.
matches a .
which is sandwiched between two digits.
is a (positive) lookaround. It means "match ham
, as long as it is preceded by spam
and followed by eggs
". In other words, it tells the regex engine to "look around" the pattern that it is matching.