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Android MVP with RxAndroid + Retrofit

Recently I started reading a lot about MVP and I want to get into practicing my projects with it.

However I am not able to correctly understand where should Rx + Retrofit code go? I think it should be in Model Layer via Interactors but still can someone share some light on this?

Also what happens with the RX callback? the onNext(), onCompleted() and onFailure() passes data back to Presenter or do we implement listeners and then pass it on to Presenter?

I also want to persist data (Realm/StorIO) when I get it in onNext(), So again pass it to another DataLayer or where should it Go?

Also should we decouple Rx callbacks further?

I am following this post

and this seperate github repo from


  • As you pointed the RxJava functionality defines a use case of your model layer so it would be placed in an interactor of this layer. You can create a different interactor for each use case. Let's say you are pulling a list of users from your server, this would be a use case and an interactor that will have the RxJava/Retrofit Observable.

    Then you will have a Presenter with an Observer in it which is interested in this users list, so it will be subscribed to that Observable.

    And finally when this Observer in has all the data from the Observable (onCompleted), it will transform this data (if needed it) and pass to the View which will be just in charge of display it.