i am trying to create a table that is a combination of 3 other tables (but need to join 4 becuase of relations). I was following the post from here:
Creating tables with fields from 2 different tables
When i run the query without CREATE TABLE Customer_Information AS
I dont get any errors and shows me the table. But when i run it with CREATE
i get this error:
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
Incorrect syntax near '('.
Here is the query:
CREATE TABLE Customer_Information AS (
SELECT DimServere.Servernavn, DimServere.Serverstatus,
DimKunder.Ministerium, DimKunder.MinisteriumFuldeNavn, DimKunder.RapporteringsKunde,
IderaPatchAnalyzer.IP_Adresse, IderaPatchAnalyzer.Release_, IderaPatchAnalyzer.Level_, IderaPatchAnalyzer.Edition_,
IderaPatchAnalyzer.Build, IderaPatchAnalyzer.Updates_Available, IderaPatchAnalyzer.Supported_, IderaPatchAnalyzer.Support_Status
FROM IderaPatchAnalyzer
JOIN DimServere
ON IderaPatchAnalyzer.IP_Adresse = DimServere.TcpIpAddress
JOIN FactSystemServereKunder
ON DimServere.Servernavn = FactSystemServereKunder.Servernavn
JOIN DimKunder
On FactSystemServereKunder.KundeID = DimKunder.KundeID
WHERE DimServere.Serverstatus != 'Disposed/Retired'
Also in the table IderaPatchAnalyzer
, when i do a simple SELECT * FROM IderaPatchAnalyzer
i get 190 rows. But when i run the joined table, shown above i get 437 rows. My goal is to attach information to those 190 rows. I dont understand why the table gets larger.
Thanks in advanced
I dont think, you can initialize Table that way. You can use:
Select * Into #(tableName)From X where X = Y
But then you will need to Drop that Table
Drop Table #(tableName)
Also important thing is that, it will say it dont know that table but you can use it without a problem.
Your code will then look like:
SELECT DimServere.Servernavn, DimServere.Serverstatus,
DimKunder.Ministerium, DimKunder.MinisteriumFuldeNavn, DimKunder.RapporteringsKunde,
IderaPatchAnalyzer.IP_Adresse, IderaPatchAnalyzer.Release_, IderaPatchAnalyzer.Level_, IderaPatchAnalyzer.Edition_,
IderaPatchAnalyzer.Build, IderaPatchAnalyzer.Updates_Available, IderaPatchAnalyzer.Supported_, IderaPatchAnalyzer.Support_Status
INTO #Customer_Information
FROM IderaPatchAnalyzer
JOIN DimServere
ON IderaPatchAnalyzer.IP_Adresse = DimServere.TcpIpAddress
JOIN FactSystemServereKunder
ON DimServere.Servernavn = FactSystemServereKunder.Servernavn
JOIN DimKunder
On FactSystemServereKunder.KundeID = DimKunder.KundeID
WHERE DimServere.Serverstatus != 'Disposed/Retired'
--Your Code
DROP TABLE #Customer_Information
For your next problem. You have multiple references to 1 item. It should be solved when you add more Conditions to JOIN