I'm new to programming using objective c, I've only used java in the past. I'm trying to code a quick hangman game and I've come across errors that for the life of me I can't find a solution to.
So in this method, I'm trying to pick a random word from an NSArray and setting it equal to the instance variable word.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface Hangman : NSObject
NSString *word;
-(void) randomWord;
-(void) guessLettter: (char) g;
-(void) guessWord: (NSString*) guess;
-(void) displayLetters: (char) x;
#import "Hangman.h"
@implementation Hangman
-(void) randomWord;
NSArray *array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"Mercedes", @"Banana", @"Porsche",
@"Dinosaur", @"Blue", @"owls", @"chicken", @"Lollipop", @"Table",
@"Hello", @"Corn", @"Uniform",nil];
int num = 11;
NSUInteger r = arc4random_uniform(11);
word = *[array objectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)r];
But trying to set word equal to whatever object is returned is giving me an error about assigning NSString Strong to type 'id' and I don't know what 'id' is.
You have a simple typo. This line:
word = *[array objectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)r];
should be:
word = [array objectAtIndex:r];
or even better:
word = array[r];
Side note: Don't put the ivar in the .h file. Put it in the .m file. The public doesn't need to know about private details.
@interface Hangman : NSObject
-(void) randomWord;
-(void) guessLettter: (char) g;
-(void) guessWord: (NSString*) guess;
-(void) displayLetters: (char) x;
#import "Hangman.h"
@implementation Hangman {
NSString *word;
NSArray *array = @[@"Mercedes", @"Banana", @"Porsche",
@"Dinosaur", @"Blue", @"owls", @"chicken", @"Lollipop", @"Table",
@"Hello", @"Corn", @"Uniform"];
NSUInteger r = arc4random_uniform(11);
word = array[r];
Also get rid of the semicolon after the name of the randomWord
method in the .m file.
And notice the use of modern array syntax.