I am trying to access the server address space and I am getting this Error.
LabVIEW: (Hex 0xFFFA8EBB) The node path refers to a node that does not exist in the server address space
The server is on a Plc and I am connected via Lan. the information i have is
Server-URL: opc.tcp://
Namespace-URI: urn:B&R/pv/
I have tried different things but i am not sure how to access the variables in address space. any suggestions would be helpful
B&R Publishes the Endpoints of your data in a fairly consistent manner. If you use a OPC UA browsing tool, you will find that the address space visible to Labview should start with
B&R Automation Studio requires that you complete the default OPC UA configuration. Within that configuration you would need to enable the nodes/endpoints in question. You can then access these nodes in Labview.
You should check the following:
Save this and make sure it has been built and added to your controller. You should be able to access endpoints then.
For example, if I have a program called "LampController" running in B&R with a variable called switchState it would be addressed by: