How can I set a minimum collision angle for an SKSpriteNode object so that when it collides with any other sprite, its reversed angle is always greater than or equal to this angle - either negative or positive - ?
My objective is to prevent deadlock collision between two parallel edges - for example -, so that the ball won't oscillate between them forever.
Finally, I have found a solution - may be not the best but it works fine -.
When the sprite collides with other one, I find the sprite velocity angle from the equation:
angle = atan(dy/dx)
and check the angle value. If it is less than the min one, I set the angle to the min value and then find the new velocity dy from the equation:
dy_new = dx * tan(new_angle)
and find the dx_new from the equation:
dx_new = sqrt(pow(dx, 2) + pow(dy, 2) - pow(dx_new, 2));
This means that the speed magnitude is the same but only the direction is changed.
This is based on the vectors equations:
speed = sqrt(pow(dx, 2) + pow(dy, 2)); and
angle = atan(dy/dx);
Here is the link of the velocity vectors mathematics: