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Service Fabric - Stateful Service Persistence

I am new to service fabric and started by looking at the MSDN articles covering the topic. I began by implementing the Hello World sample here.

I changed their original RunAsync implementation to:

var myDictionary = await this.StateManager.GetOrAddAsync<IReliableDictionary<int, DataObject>>("myDictionary");

while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
    DataObject dataObject;

    using (var tx = this.StateManager.CreateTransaction())
        var result = await myDictionary.TryGetValueAsync(tx, 1);

        if (result.HasValue)
            dataObject = result.Value;
            dataObject = new DataObject();
        dataObject.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now;
        //    this,
        //    "Current Counter Value: {0}",
        //    result.HasValue ? result.Value.ToString() : "Value does not exist.");

        await myDictionary.AddOrUpdateAsync(tx, 1, dataObject, ((k, o) => dataObject));

        await tx.CommitAsync();
    await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), cancellationToken);

I also introduced a DataObject type and have exposed an UpdateDate property on that type.

[DataContract(Namespace = "")]
public class DataObject
    public DateTime UpdateDate { get; set; }

When I run the app (F5 in visual studio 2015), a dataObject instance (keyed as 1) is not found in the dictionary so I create one, set UpdateDate, add it to the dictionary and commit the transaction. During the next loop, it finds the dataObject (keyed as 1) and sets UpdateDate, updates the object in the dictionary and commits the transaction. Perfect.

Here's my question. When I stop and restart the service project (F5 in visual studio 2015) I would expect that on my first iteration of the RunAsync that the dataObject (keyed as 1) would be found but it's not. I would expect all state to be flushed to its replica.

Do I have to do anything for the stateful service to flush its internal state to its primary replica?

From what I've read, it makes it sound as though all of this is handled by service fabric and that calling commit (on the transaction) is sufficient. If I locate the primary replica (in Service Fabric Explorer->Application View) I can see that the RemoteReplicator_xxx LastACKProcessedTimeUTC is updated once I commit the transaction (when stepping through).

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you!



  • This is a function of the default local development experience in Visual Studio. If you watch the Output window closely after hitting F5 you'll see a message like this:

    Visual Studio output window during Service Fabric deployment

    The deployment script detects that there's an existing app of the same type and version already registered, so it removes it and deploys the new one. In doing that, the data associated with the old application is removed.

    You have a couple of options to deal with this.

    In production, you would perform an application upgrade to safely roll out the updated code while maintaining the state. But constantly updating your versions while doing quick iteration on your dev box can be tedious.

    An alternative is to flip the project property "Preserve Data on Start" to "Yes". This will automatically bump all versions of the generated application package (without touching the versions in your source) and then perform an app upgrade on your behalf.

    enter image description here

    Note that because of some of the system checks inherent in the upgrade path, this deployment option is likely to be a bit slower than the default remove-and-replace. However, when you factor in the time it takes to recreate the test data, it's often a wash.