I followed the steps in this link: Using the Aardvark with Python on 64-bit Windows
I have tried to write and read bytes using command prompt (Write and read from the EEPROM using aai2c_eeprom.py) i.e. when attempting to read by typing:
C:/Python27/python.exe aai2c_eeprom.py 0 300 read 0x51 1 4
I have observed that I can write to EEPROM but I cannot read any bytes from EEPROM. It prints:
error: no bytes read – are you sure you have the right slave address?
Does anyone know why I am getting this error message?
Note: I am using Microchip Technology's 24LC024 EEPROM. You can see the datasheet via this link: I2C Serial EEPROM. According to this datasheet the slave address is calculated as 0x51. Hence, I don't know why I am getting slave address error.
Besides, when I checked it with the Total Phase's Flash Center SW, I obtained an Read Error:
Adapter: Slave NACK.
Thanks in advance!
I have fixed the problem. The problem was occurred because I had 2 master devices that attempt to control the bus at the same time. Hence, it corrupted the message. As written in this link: Master Read "The Aardvark adapter was unable to seize the bus due to the presence of another I2C master. Here, the arbitration was lost during the slave addressing phase"