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Error on Login in paypal parallel payment using MPL Android

I am using MPL for integrating parallel payment in my application. But something went wrong. When i m trying to login then it gives following exception-

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
            <faultstring>The transaction cannot be completed as the sender has some important information missing on file.</faultstring>
                        <message>The transaction cannot be completed as the sender has some important information missing on file.</message>

And this is screen shot where it unable to Login and giving me this error message-

enter image description here

Note: When i was using MPL pizza app then it worked fine for this paypal id.

Please suggest me, what is going wrong. what important information i have missed.


  • Actually, your account is not locked. Your device has shown that error because your payment total amount is exceeding high-value payment limits which is set by paypal.

    If you make high-value payment by web then it should be login properly. But paypal will need some additional information(like Social Security Number, Passport Number, Alien Registration Number etc) for complete payment.

    I suppose, in MPL there is any method which you have to enable then after you device accept high-value payment.

    And further details, You can contact to paypal-techsupport