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Citrus Payment Redirect Url not working

I am integrating citrus payment into android app , everything is working well in sandbox till my transaction is successful but once my transaction is successful i get below logs :

enter image description here

MOTO SUCCESSFUL***{"txMsg":"Transaction successful","pgRespCode":"0","redirectUrl":""}

Which says transaction is successful and i can see in my sandbox consumer account that transaction is successful but when it redirect to above url in log it shows below screen :

enter image description here

And When i try to press back button :

There is no way out to reach my last activity in application i tried to put return url in app as : private static final String RETURN_URL = "";

which should return to my activity but didn't help, Any help or hint would be greatly appreciated.

enter image description here


  • I resolved the Issue Via sending the return page url which was hosted on my server itself like below :

     $access_key = "xxxx"; //put your own access_key - found in admin panel     
     $secret_key = "xxxxx"; //put your own secret_key - found in admin panel     
     $return_url = "http://xxxxx/Citrus/return_page.php"; //put your own return_url.php here.    
     $txn_id = time() . rand(10000,99999);    
     $value = $_GET["amount"]; //Charge amount is in INR by default    
     $data_string = "merchantAccessKey=" . $access_key
                   . "&transactionId="  . $txn_id          
                  . "&amount="         . $value;    
     $signature = hash_hmac('sha1', $data_string, $secret_key);    
     $amount = array('value' => $value, 'currency' => 'INR');    
     $bill = array('merchantTxnId' => $txn_id,      
                   'amount' => $amount,        
                   'requestSignature' => $signature,         
                   'merchantAccessKey' => $access_key,        
                   'returnUrl' => $return_url);     echo json_encode($bill);   ?>   

    And return url shows the message successful transaction and back to Activity ! .

    <script type="text/javascript">     
    var globaldata;      
    function setdata(data) {          
    globaldata = data;      
    function postResponseiOS() {          
    return globaldata;      
    function postResponse(data) {          
    CitrusResponse.pgResponse(data);      }    
    $secret_key = "xxxxx";     
    $data =array();     
    foreach ($_POST as $name => $value) {                   
     $data[$name] = $value;                   
       $verification_data =  $data['TxId']                        
                            . $data['TxStatus']                        
                            . $data['amount']                        
                            . $data['pgTxnNo']                        
                            . $data['issuerRefNo']                        
                            . $data['authIdCode']                        
                            . $data['firstName']                        
                            . $data['lastName']                        
                            . $data['pgRespCode']                        
                            . $data['addressZip'];     
    $signature = hash_hmac('sha1', $verification_data, $secret_key);     
      if ($signature == $data['signature'])  
          $json_object = json_encode($data);                                                
          echo "<script> 
          echo"<script> setdata ('$json_object');
      else {                                               
         $response_data = array("Error" => "Transaction Failed",
         "Reason" => "Signature Verification Failed");                                              
     $json_object = json_encode($response_data);                                                
     echo "
     setdata ('$json_object'); 