I am trying to follow an algebraic equation, and convert it to c++.
I am stuck on:
Calculate the radius as r = ||dp||
where dp is a vector, and:
dp = (dx,dy)
According to my google searching, the vertical bars in r = ||dp|| mean I need to normalize the vector.
I have:
std::vector<double> dpVector;
How should I be normalizing this so that it returns a double as 'r'?
You're probably looking for the euclidean norm which is the geometric length of the vector and a scalar value.
double r = std::sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
In contrast to that, normalization of a vector represents the same direction with it length (its euclidean norm ;)) being set to 1. This is again a vector.
Fixed-dimensional vector objects (especially with low dimensionality) lend themselves to be represented as a class type.
A simple example:
namespace wse
struct v2d { double x, y; };
inline double dot(v2d const &a, v2d const &b)
return a.x*b.x + a.y*b.y;
inline double len(v2d const &v) { return std::sqrt(dot(v,v)); }
// ...
wse::v2d dp{2.4, 3.4};
// ... Euclidean norm:
auto r = len(dp);
// Normalized vector
wse::v2d normalized_dp{dp.x/r, dp.y/r};