Well, For debugging, I use console.log
often & it Outputs a message to the Web Console. But I don't know why I'm getting a different result with instanceof
operator with concatenation.
console.log("Hello "+"Code!!"); //Prints `Hello Code!!` - Correct
console.log("Hello ","Code!!"); //Prints `Hello Code!!` - Correct
console.log("Hello "+"Code!! : "+Math.PI); //Prints `Hello Code!! : 3.141592653589793` - Correct
console.log("Result ",[] instanceof Array); //Prints `Result true` - Correct
But the below line gives output as false
. Why it isn't Result true
console.log("Result "+[] instanceof Array); //Prints `false` Why?
You need to separate the two instances...
console.log("Result "+([] instanceof Array)); // Result true
Because this is not an Array --> "Result "+[]
When you use the comma, you separate the two, that is why it works.
When you use +, it combines the two into a string, then checks if it is an Array