I have a table of transactions, with fields for buyer and seller. I want a query that outputs a row for each person who has engaged in a transaction, with one column for how many times that person has been a buyer and one for how many times that person has been a seller.
I'm currently achieving the results I want with:
SELECT u.user_id,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM transactions AS b WHERE b.buyer = u.user_id),
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM transactions AS s WHERE s.seller = u.user_id)
FROM users AS u;
This works fine, but it strikes me as goofy and unnecessarily slow. And when I start wanting to put conditions -- like, if I want to count how many times a person bought or sold a pencil for less than a dollar between March 1 and March 31 -- then the query gets even goofier.
I'm sure there's a better way, but I've spent a while searching and haven't come up with much. Thanks in advance for your help.
Your query is quite reasonable and quite possibly the fastest way to run this query. You want to be sure that you have two indexes on transactions
: transactions(buyer)
and transactions(seller)
An alternative method would summarize the data before using explicit joins:
select u.*, b.numbuyer, s.numseller
from users u left join
(select buyer, count(*) as numbuyer
from transactions
group by buyer
) b
on b.buyer = u.user_id left join
(select seller, count(*) as numseller
from transactions
group by seller
) s
on s.buyer = u.user_id;
However, your query might be the best way to express and run this logic.