I am using Google map sdk in my project. I have search bar at top and I have to search the location that user enter in that search bar. Secondly search bar should give hints like if we search location in Google maps application.Any help will be appreciate able.
Get Started with GOOGLE PLACE API on iOS
Append the text from textfield the create an url like this
NSURL *URL = [NSURL URLWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/textsearch/json?query=%@&key=%s",queryText,kGooglePlaceAPIKey]];
where queryText is the text, and kGooglePlaceAPIKey is your GOOGLE PLACES API KEY.
Do JSON Parsing on this URL.
You will get the information of all location related to the text entered in your textfield.
Figure : JSON Response on Firefox Browser using JSONViewer Addon
FOR MORE INFORMATION REFER THIS SITE : Google Places Text Search Requests
Hope it helps You Cheers :)