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Android for work - How to check if my application is running in the work profile?

I'm creating an app that needs to behave differently if it's running in the work profile.

There is any possibility to know that?

The documentation has nothing about it and I already tried to add a restriction that is only available in the work profile and it works, but I need a solution without any action from the administrator.

Android for work information:

Android for work documentation:


  • I found a solution : if isProfileOwnerApp return true for one package name, it means that your app (badged) is running on work profile. if your app is running in normal mode (no badge) isProfileOwnerApp return false for all admins even if there is a Work profile.

    DevicePolicyManager devicePolicyManager = (DevicePolicyManager) getSystemService(Context.DEVICE_POLICY_SERVICE);
    List<ComponentName> activeAdmins =   devicePolicyManager.getActiveAdmins();
    if (activeAdmins != null){
       for (ComponentName admin : activeAdmins){
          String packageName=  admin.getPackageName();
          Log.d(TAG, "admin:"+packageName);
          Log.d(TAG, "profile:"+ devicePolicyManager.isProfileOwnerApp(packageName));
          Log.d(TAG, "device:"+ devicePolicyManager.isDeviceOwnerApp(packageName));