I have to import in a Table from file (csv for example). I used this code:
public void run ()
TextIO textIO;
str filename, fileOpen, folder;
int handle;
Io thisMYFile;
FileIoPermission perm;
[handle, filename] = WINAPI::findFirstFile(folder + "\\*.csv");
fileOpen = strFmt (folder + "\\" + filename);
perm = new FileIoPermission(fileOpen, 'w');
thisMYFile = new CommaTextIo(fileOpen , 'w');
But in Debug the class IO
thisMYFile is null and so I can't to read and get information.
In my class declaration
I extends RunBaseBarch.
If I used a "normal" classes (not batch) I can read,write,move file etc, but now I can't to open.
I know the WinAPI
classes not work in Batch, now I think there is also another way to read/open file in batch? With WinAPIServer
class I can findFirstFile ?
A clarification, I have also a same problem if I don't schedule the process batch : flag Batch processing is false, in the batch dialog, and clicked only Ok. (example image)
If you've a tutorial, any advice or help,
Thanks all,
Beware that the batch runs on an other machine, the AOS will not have access to your local files.
Therefore always use a full UNC file path to the file, ex. \\MyHost\Temp\x.csv
If new CommaTextIO
fails to open the file, it returns null
, it does not throw an exception. If you do not test for null
your code will fail later.