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.nuget include file from other project

I have three visual studio database projects with .sql files. Instead of publishing the projects to a database, the SQL needs to be executed at a specific moment.

I added another project to package everything into one nuget package (including some generic scripts). So the .nuspec file should specify the SQL files that need to be included.

<file src="..\otherproject\code.sql" target="Content" />

We use TeamCity to build our projects and Octopus Deploy to pack the nuget packages. When TeamCity tries to build the package OctoPack says it can't find the file:

error OCTONUGET: File not found: '..\otherproject\code.sql'.

I've checked, the file is present on the build server on the requested location.

How to access the parent folder? Or is there another way to include files from other projects?


  • This code is perfectly fine. My .nuspec file was named like the solution instead of the project.