bookid bookname author
0 No book no author
1 Engg Maths Greiwal
2 Java Basics James Gosling
3 Mahabharata Ved Vyasa
4 Ramayana Valmiki
5 Harry Potter JK Rowling
userid name bookid
1 Arjun 2
2 Charles 2
3 Babbage 3
Am having table1 and table2. In the table1 bookid is primary key and the table2 bookid is foreign key. I want to set table2 bookid default value to 0.
Is there any possibilities? We tried with default value as zero.
It throws an exceptions "Cannot add or update child row: a foreign key constaint fails"
I just ran this on mysql...
create table table1 (
bookid int not null primary key,
bookname varchar(100) not null,
author varchar(100) not null
create table table2 (
userid int not null,
username varchar(100) not null,
bookid int not null default 0
alter table table2 add constraint fk1 foreign key (bookid) references table1(bookid);
insert into table1(bookid,bookname,author) values (0,'None','none');
insert into table2(userid, username) values (1,'bob');
select * from table2;
1 bob 0
You could also make the fk column table2.bookid nullable (bookid int null,). The choice to allow foreign keys to be null or use 'sentinel values' is a design choice best made consciously, if you're going to build a lot of code.