I'm trying to use the createjs EventDispatcher as a way to dispatchEvents from a class. I'm extending my class using createjs.EventDispatcher
and using the dispatchEvent to trigger the event.
I get the following error when this line isthis.dispatchEvent(createJSEvent);
Uncaught InvalidStateError: Failed to execute 'dispatchEvent' on 'EventTarget': The event provided is null.
Simplified TypeScript code to demonstrate what I'd like to do:
export class deviceOrientation extends createjs.EventDispatcher {
constructor() {
// wait 2 seconds and then fire testDispatch
setTimeout(this.testDispatch(), 2000);
testDispatch():void {
var createJSEvent:createjs.Event = new createjs.Event("change", true, true);
// This is the starting function
export function appExternalModuleTest(): void {
let _deviceOrientation: deviceOrientation;
_deviceOrientation = new deviceOrientation();
_deviceOrientation.addEventListener("change", () => this.changeOrientation());
//_deviceOrientation.on("progress", () => this.changeOrientation());
export function changeOrientationi(event: Event): void {
console.log('orienationHasChanged ');
I'm using easeljs-0.8.1.min.js
I'm not sure if this is possible with CreateJS. Is there a better approach? Any help is greatly appreciated.
The problem looks strange, because I do almost the same in my project and don't have any problems.
In a nutshell, I have a d.ts file for createjs classes declaration and I use these declarations in my "normal" typescript classes.
For example:
declare module createjs
export class EventDispatcher
addEventListener(type: string, listener: any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
removeEventListener(type: string, listener: any, useCapture?: boolean): void;
removeAllEventListener(type?: string): void;
dispatchEvent(event: Event): boolean;
export class Event
public type: string;
public target: any;
public currentTarget: any;
constructor(type: string, bubbling?: boolean, cancelable?: boolean);
clone(): Event;
Normal class:
module flashist
export class TestEventDispatcher extends createjs.EventDispatcher
public constructor()
public testDispatch(): void
var tempEvent: createjs.Event = new createjs.Event("test");
And somewhere else in the code you should create an instance of the TestEventDispatcher class. Something like:
this.testDispatcher = new TestEventDispatcher();
this.testDispatcher.addEventListener("test", (event: createjs.Event) => alert("Test Event Listener"));
I've just tested the code and it works for me.
The only idea I have is to make sure that the easel.js file is loaded before your main app files.