I have a QGroupBox
with assigned to it QVBoxLayout
groupBox = QtGui.QGroupBox()
layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
groupBox.setLayout(layout )
Then there is a single QLabel
assigned to the layout.
label = QtGui.QLabel()
The problem is that QLabel is positioned at the middle of the GroupBox. While I want it to be aligned with the top edge of the GroupBox. I probably need to add some sort of spacer. So the spacer would dynamically resize itself to fill the GroupBox's empty area pushing QLabel upward.
What widget and what size policy should be used as a spacer?
label = QtGui.QLabel()
verticalSpacer = QtGui.QSpacerItem(20, 40, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Minimum, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding)
This should work