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Limit a map to certain bounds?

Is there a way to set the map bounds and actually limit the user to be able to pan only within those boundaries?

The closest I got to what I need is the mapView.fitBounds method but it does not seem to be limiting the panning at all. Am I doing something wrong or is this method not doing what I need?

I'm using SKMaps iOS SDK version 2.5



  • Here is some code I wrote (based on this answer) to bind the user within a bounding box, defined by a top left coordinate, and a bottom right coordinate.

    In my viewDidLoad after initiating the mapView object like so

    mapView = [[SKMapView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake( 0.0f, 0.0f,  CGRectGetWidth(self.view.frame), CGRectGetHeight(self.view.frame) )];
    //Setting the zoom limit, (totally optional)
    SKMapZoomLimits zoomLimits;
    zoomLimits.mapZoomLimitMin = 15.153500;
    zoomLimits.mapZoomLimitMax = 21;
    mapView.settings.zoomLimits = zoomLimits;
    //Creating our bounding box by specifying a top left point, and a bottom right
    CLLocationCoordinate2D topLeftBoundary;
    topLeftBoundary.longitude = 21.174489;
    topLeftBoundary.latitude = 39.777993;
    CLLocationCoordinate2D botRightBoundary;
    botRightBoundary.longitude = 21.191678;
    botRightBoundary.latitude = 39.765834;
    _boundaries = [SKBoundingBox boundingBoxWithTopLeftCoordinate:topLeftBoundary bottomRightCoordinate:botRightBoundary];

    Then i define the isInBoundingBox method.

    -(BOOL) isInBoundingBox: (SKCoordinateRegion)regionBox {
        if (_boundaries.topLeftCoordinate.latitude < || _boundaries.bottomRightCoordinate.latitude > ||
        _boundaries.topLeftCoordinate.longitude > || _boundaries.bottomRightCoordinate.longitude <
            return false;    
    return true;

    then on our didChangeToRegion method we do this:

    - (void)mapView:(SKMapView*)curMapView didChangeToRegion:(SKCoordinateRegion)region{
        //NSLog(@" @@@@@@@@ did change to ZOOM LEVEL: %f and lat: %f, long: %f",region.zoomLevel,,;
        BOOL inBoundingBox = [self isInBoundingBox:region];
        if (inBoundingBox) {
            // if mapRegion is valid save it
            _lastValidRegion = region;
        } else {
            // if mapRegion is invalid reposition the map inside the bounding box
            [mapView setVisibleRegion:_lastValidRegion];