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Accessing Spartan-6 ODDR & other selectIO library designs in ISE

I'm writing a program to hopefully eventually communicate with the DVI codec on the SP605 board.

However, I am having problems outputting a differential clock to the DVI codec that is required and, it appears I need to use a ODDR2 in order to do so.

Although mentioned, I'm unsure on how to go about actually instantiating this in code; after reading the SelectIO resources and Spartan-6 Libraries guide it appears I should be able to instantiate this direction in code as below; however, when I do, I get the errors (1 for each ODDR2);

ERROR:HDLCompiler:432 - "C:\Users\EEEuser\Xilinix_Projects\i2c1\chron.vhd" Line 50: Formal <c1> has no actual or default value.
ERROR:HDLCompiler:432 - "C:\Users\EEEuser\Xilinix_Projects\i2c1\chron.vhd" Line 65: Formal <c1> has no actual or default value.

Why is this and how do I instantiate an ODDR2 (and other library resources)? I have been looking for a use library statement but haven't found one.

For reference, my overall aim is to output data to the DVI codec which should then be able to run the DVI port and output the data to a screen. At present, the data is all '1' because to begin with I'm looking just to get a white screen output.

The code showing my attempts at instantiating two ODDR2 modules are below.

Thanks very much!


library IEEE;
library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
entity chron is
    Port ( SYSCLK_N : in STD_LOGIC;
              USRCLK: in STD_LOGIC; --27 MHz user clock
              PXLCLK_N : out  STD_LOGIC; --differential pixel clock
           PXLCLK_P : out  STD_LOGIC;
           D : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (11 downto 0); --data bus
           H : out  STD_LOGIC; --hysnc
           V : out  STD_LOGIC; --vsync
           DE : out  STD_LOGIC); -- data enable
end chron;

architecture Behavioral of chron is

    component DCM
     (-- Clock in ports
      SYSCLK_N           : in     std_logic;
      SYSCLK_P           : in     std_logic;
      -- Clock out ports
      PXLCLK_P          : out    std_logic;
      PXLCLK_N          : out    std_logic
    end component;

    signal data_enable : std_logic := '1';--Data enable high when data video input
    signal data : std_logic_vector (11 downto 0) := (others => '1'); --data bus
    signal hsync, vsync : std_logic; --active low
    signal hsync_counter : integer range 0 to 512; --counter 0 to 450 for hsync using 27 MHz input clock
    signal vsync_counter : integer range 0 to 524288; --counter 0 to 359856 for vsync using 27 MHz
    signal pxlclk_p_int, pxlclk_n_int: std_logic; 


  DCM_clock : DCM
  port map
  (-- Clock in ports
  -- Clock out ports
  PXLCLK_P => pxlclk_p_int,
  PXLCLK_N => pxlclk_n_int);

  ODDR_pxlclk_p : ODDR2
  generic map(
    INIT => '0',
    SRTYPE => "SYNC")
  port map (
    Q => PXLCLK_P,
    C0 => pxlclk_p_int,
    CE => not(pxlclk_p_int),
    D0 => '1',
    D1 => '0',
    R => '0',
    S =>'0'

  ODDR_pxlclk_n : ODDR2
  generic map(
    INIT => '0',
    SRTYPE => "SYNC")
  port map (
    Q => PXLCLK_N,
    C0 => pxlclk_n_int,
    CE => not(pxlclk_n_int),
    D0 => '1',
    D1 => '0',
    R => '0',
    S =>'0'

    hsync_proc : process(usrclk)
        if rising_edge(usrclk) then --only on rising edge
            if hsync_counter > 450 then
                hsync_counter <= 0; --reset counter to 0
                if  hsync_counter < 33 then --else take low for 33 time periods
                    hsync <= '0';
                else --and then set high
                    hsync <= '1';
                end if;
                hsync_counter <= hsync_counter + 1; --increment counter
            end if;
        end if;
    end process;

    vsync_proc : process(usrclk)
        if rising_edge(usrclk) then --only on rising edge
            if vsync_counter > 359856 then
                vsync_counter <= 0; --reset counter to 0
                if  vsync_counter < 1350 then --else take low for 1350 time periods
                    vsync <= '0';
                else --and then set high
                    vsync <= '1';
                end if;
                vsync_counter <= vsync_counter + 1; --increment counter
            end if;
        end if;
    end process;

    D <= (others => '1');
    H <= hsync;
    V <= vsync;
    DE <= '1';

end Behavioral;


  • The ODDR2 component has another input port C1 which must be assigned. A rising edge at C0 assigns Q <= D0 and a rising edge at C1 assigns Q <= D1.

    So to mirror the clock, you must assign a 180° phase-shifted version of the clock-signal at port C0 to the port C1. But you have assigned it, to the port CE instead, which is the clock-enable.

    The following should work for the first instance:

    ODDR_pxlclk_p : ODDR2
    generic map(
      INIT => '0',
      SRTYPE => "SYNC")
    port map (
      Q => PXLCLK_P,
      C0 => pxlclk_p_int,
      C1 => not(pxlclk_p_int),
      CE => '1',
      D0 => '1',
      D1 => '0',
      R => '0',
      S =>'0'

    Further improvements

    You should output the clock only if the DCM has locked. You can enable an output LOCKED in the DCM wizard. Connect this output than with the CE input. Thus, only a stable clock will be seen by the DVI transmitter.

    For driving the input C1 Xilinx recommends to use a 180° phase-shifted clock from the DCM. You already have this, named pxlclk_n_int.

    Thus, the example could be improved to:

    ODDR_pxlclk_p : ODDR2
    generic map(
      INIT => '0',
      SRTYPE => "SYNC")
    port map (
      Q => PXLCLK_P,
      C0 => pxlclk_p_int,
      C1 => pxlclk_n_int,  -- second clock signal from DCM
      CE => locked,        -- locked signal from DCM
      D0 => '1',
      D1 => '0',
      R => '0',
      S =>'0'
    ODDR_pxlclk_n : ODDR2
    generic map(
      INIT => '0',
      SRTYPE => "SYNC")
    port map (
      Q => PXLCLK_N,
      C0 => pxlclk_p_int,  -- same clock signals as above
      C1 => pxlclk_n_int,  -- ...
      CE => locked,        -- 
      D0 => '0',           -- but inverted data
      D1 => '1',           -- ...
      R => '0',
      S =>'0'